Friday, April 10, 2009

The way to the next Mother

When I say the beating commenced, I should explain a bit more. Our living situation became more volatile, My mother reverted back to being a teenager. Like 2 of us wasn't enough. she started smoking weed everyday, drinking everyday, had her homies at the house, and a constant slew of jump offs. Aww, that was awkward, dudes that were my age, people I knew from around the way, they were at my house chopping it up with Mom dukes on a regular. It was infuriating, see Mom didn't have a job so she played hood rat socialite, lol. It was a regular occurrence to come home and find Mom, with a couple of dudes I went to school with and some older guys chilling. My mother is, well, ridiculous at times, she thinks and has always thought that I am a prude, prissy, lol I just kind of came out as her opposite, there is nothing wrong with being wild, but I reserve that side for the person who deserves it.
My sister on the other hand is more like my Mom, they fought a lot because they are just a like. When I was a sophomore my Mom took my sister to get a pair of glasses. We went to the mall and used a voucher to get them. My sister hates glasses, I mean hates them. My Mom was being difficult and wouldn't allow her to pick the frames she wanted. So they began arguing in the store, and it escalated, my Mom grabs my sisters wrists and starts threatening her loud enough for the people in the store to hear. I try to break it up, but my Mom gave me her best, Nigga I will cut you look so, i tried to calm the situation down, without making her blow up. After an unbearable hour of browsing the mall with these two fuming, we go pick up the glasses. They are ugly, they are slightly cat eyed and pink, and the lens is ttthhhhiiiccckkk, I mean damn. It was going to be a brutal experience at school the next day.

My sister in her irritation says I am not wearing those, no way. My Mom in her infinite wisdom, threatens an ass kicking she wont forget, baby sis shrugs and says so what. Now my mom starts hitting her on the way to the car. I get them separated, my sister and I climbing in the back of the truck my Mom driving, as she fumes you better talk to her ass. We go to my great grandmothers house. She is recovering from a recent mastectomy so the family is congregating. I am thinking well at least I will have some back up.

I love my Grandmothers, Great Grandma V is feisty, Grandma is calm but stern she don't play, but she loves us, they both do . We get to the house and immediately Mom starts a tirade,recanting all of the events, SMH my sister and I sit in the back of the house and attempt to be invisible. LOL. My grandmother calls my sister into the other room and she reluctantly goes, my Nana begins to scold her, about being a good child and honoring our mother, and gets an eyeroll, my grandmother reaches to smack her and my sister lifts her hands in defense and my Mom knocks the shit out of her. The next things happened kind of fast, I guess after the initial shock my sister was going to hit my mom back, (i know , I know) and my mom is trying to beat the black off my sister for raising her hand to her grandmother, The screaming starts. I run to try and help, and all three off them are pinned against the sink in the kitchen, My sister is screaming expletives in frustration, my mom, is telling my sister she is going to kill her little bitch, and my grandmother in the middle, taking the brunt of the assault. I jump in from of my mom and try my best to push her away, my Grandmother has my sister. I finally break the hold and push my mom against the wall, and the object of her rage has changed.

She screams she cant believe I am in here attacking her and proceeds to start punching me in the face, i flinch since we are now next to stove( There are cast iron skillets, enough said), but try to control my movements, I don't hit her back, I don't try to protect my face, if I lift a hand, it will only get worse. My Grandmother has dragged my sister into the living room, where her nose is bleeding and she is all scratched up. My Great grandmother is pissed, she is yelling at us all. Shaking her head mad, After a few good punches, my Mom wants my sister, I try to block her and get a swift punch in the gut, I wasn't prepared for. It takes a minute for me to get my bearings, I get to the living room, and my grandmother has my sister on one side of the room, tending to her face, my Mom is glaring across the room. My grandmother calls my uncle to pick us up, and I knew the day had just gotten much worse. After everyone's defenses had calmed or so we thought, my Mom launches across the room and start punching my sister, My grandmother and I try to separate them and my Mom proceeds to bite my sisters leg, hard enough to draw blood, we are separated again. And my uncle comes, the whole ride to my Grandmothers, he is threatening to take is to the police station, saying we should be given away, what hooligans we are. I try to comfort my sister who is crying softly into my shoulder, She is pretty beat up, a black eye, busted lip, and a lot of scratches, her leg is still bleeding. My Brother who is 7 years older than me but still young,he is visibly frustrated, like he is not sure how to handle the situation, he is on the phone with my Grandmother when we walked in. He sees our little sister and softens. In hindsight I feel really bad for him, what a mess we were. We don't have anywhere to go again, so he takes us to work with him. He is a stalker at the grocery store and works the late shit. He refuses to take us home, right away. So my sister and I have ice cream and read the magazines in the store.

At around 1am he takes us to my moms, and will try to talk to her. We walk through the door and she is waiting, still mad, really mad. My sister is behind my brother I go in first and she attacks me, my brother grabs me to pull me away and she starts punching, before I could do anything my sister picks up a jar of eucerin and launches it at my mom. It hits her square in the face, my brother continues to hold me, He wants them to get it out of there system, they struggle, screaming, my sister gets and advantage and is on top. I think Mom is tired, Cherie begins to hit her, and my brother drags us off. Back into the truck, us in the back him in the front. The truck has a shell top, but there are windows on the sides , my mom has a crow bar and she is trying to hit us in the back of the truck. My brother is afraid to hurt her and doesn't pull off right away. My sister and I are screaming and he pulls off slowly, but building speed as he goes. He drives us to his house, he is living with my Grandmother and our next living situation begins... to be continued

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